看板 studyabroad
If interested in graduate work in population genomics and evolutionary medicine, please contact PingHsun (Benson) Hsieh, Ph.D.: hsiehph [@] umn.edu https://cbs.umn.edu/contacts/pinghsun-hsieh Our lab in the Department of Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development (GCD) at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, MN is looking for multiple highly motivated and creative students to study the full spectrum of human genetic diversity in relation to their evolutionary and functional consequences. Our lab specializes in the application of large long- and short-read genome datasets to understand the biological and evolutionary role of structural variants (SVs) that remain largely unexplored in traditional human genetic studies. Required and Preferred Qualifications: Applicants must have a B.S. degree in the field of Population Genetics, Evolutionary Biology, Computational Biology, Statistics, Biostatistics, Computer Science, or other disciplines with strong quantitative backgrounds and programming skills. Experience in population and statistical genetics analyses and working with large sequencing data sets are highly desired. The candidate must be highly motivated and independent with strong writing and communication skills. Prospective students should apply either through the MCDB&G program (deadline Dec. 1st) or BICB program (deadline Jan. 15th). https://cbs.umn.edu/gcd/graduate-programs/molecular-cellular-developmental-biology-and-genetics-graduate-program-6 https://r.umn.edu/academics-research/graduate/bicb Please also send a copy of CV with the contact information of three references to PingHsun (Benson) Hsieh, Ph.D., (hsiehph [@] umn.edu) to discuss possible placement in the lab. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1700546739.A.A77.html