推 goldjade: 感謝分享! 11/02 11:21
Full degree bachelor studies: Agricultural Science, Arts and Humanities,
Social Science, Computer Science and Information Technology, Economic
Science, Engineering Science, Health Science, Teacher Training, Sport
Science, Natural Science, Arts and Art Education
Full degree master studies: Agricultural Science, Arts and Humanities, Social
Science, Computer Science and Information Technology, Legal Science, Economic
Science, Engineering Science, Medical and Health Science, Teacher Training,
Sport Science, Natural Science and Arts
Full degree one-tier master studies: Agricultural Science, Engineering
Science, Medical and Health Science and Arts
Full degree doctoral studies: in any field of interest
Postgraduate specialist training courses: Arts, Economic Science, Engineering
Science, Legal Science, Social Science
Partial studies – bachelor level: Agricultural Science, Arts and Humanities,
Social Science, Computer Science and Information Technology, Economic
Science, Engineering Science, Health Science, Teacher Training, Sport
Science, Natural Science, Arts and Art Education
Partial studies – master level: Agricultural Science, Arts and Humanities,
Social Science, Computer Science and Information Technology, Legal Science,
Economic Science, Engineering Science, Medical and Health Science, Teacher
Training, Sport Science, Natural Science and Arts
Partial studies – one-tier master level: Agricultural Science, Engineering
Science, Medical and Health Science and Arts
Partial studies – doctoral level: in any field of interest
Name of responsible authority:
Department of European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan
Name of responsible person(s):
Mr. Albert Chang
E-mail address(es):
[email protected]
00886 2 2348 2913
2, Ketagalan Blvd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100202, Taiwan
_2 2 the quantum rules on 1-dim
h d ψ(x)
────── ┼ V (x) ψ(x) = E(x) ψ(x)
2 ..
2 m d x ── Erwin Schrodinger
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1698718253.A.A8D.html
※ 編輯: alen3321 ( 臺灣), 10/31/2023 10:12:03
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