看板 studyabroad
今年Auburn University 電機系新上任的助理教授高子賀博士是我在費城一起攀岩的朋友,人很好,很客氣,有時候來攀岩場都會帶巧克力給大家,幾個月前他才搬去Alabama ,當時我們辦了送別會,大家都很不捨。如果有人也喜歡攀岩,一定會跟他很合得來的。有任何問題,歡迎和高子賀博士聯絡。 祝各位留學申請順利~ ———————————————————- 以下是我幫忙轉繁體的資料: 課題組方向: 課題組以半導體器件和集成光子學系統為主攻領域,旨在為新一代成像、通信和計算系統提供更快,更小巧,更節能,以及具有量子優勢的光學器件。研究方向包括:1. 新型光源器件(分布式、超快速和可重配置的激光陣列);2. Meta-optics(光學領域的信號與圖像處理);3. 量子光學傳感和成像(超越經典極限的傳感和成像)。 導師資料: 高子賀博士,奧本大學電子與計算機工程系助理教授。2011年獲南京大學物理學學士學位;2018年獲美國伊利諾伊大學香檳分校電子與計算機工程博士學位; 2018-2020年在Meta (前稱Facebook Reality Labs, AR/VR) 從事光學和視覺系統的開發和研究;2020-2023年在賓夕法尼亞大學從事集成和拓撲光學領域的博士後研究。發表過10項美國專利,並在《Science》、 《Nature》、 《Nature Photonics》、 《Physical Review Letters》、 《Nature Communications》等期刊發表學術論文20篇余篇。 課題組網頁:https://zihegao.github.io/ 學校簡介: 奧本大學是一所國際公認的公立研究型大學,位於美國阿拉巴馬州奧本市,是該州兩所公立旗艦大學之一。在2024年USNews發佈的大學排名中,奧本大學綜合排名全美第93位、工程學院排名第55位。奧本大學是R1最高研究活動類大學之一,工程領域研究研究支出份額名列全美前50位。 奧本市常被評為「美國最佳小鎮」之一,氣候溫和,前往主要城市、海灘和山區的休閒設施非常方便。奧本-歐佩萊卡-哥倫布聯合區位於亞特蘭大(GA)和蒙哥馬利(AL)之間的快速發展的I-85走廊沿線。CNNMoney、 USNews、 福布斯和最近的Livability評選均將奧本評為美國最佳居住地之一。 申請要求: 至少對以下三個研究方向中的兩個有強烈興趣或研究經歷: 1. 光學成像系統和數據採集系統的硬件原型設計、算法設計和圖像處理。 2. 物理學:光學、電磁場、量子光學等理論計算和分析。 3. 半導體器件的微納製造和工藝:在超淨間中製造集成光學芯片和半導體激光器陣列。 申請方式: 2024春季入學請郵件聯繫[email protected],2024秋季申請方式參見課題組網頁(同時歡迎郵件聯繫)。預計招收1-2名博士生。優秀的碩士項目學生也可以提供全獎。 ————————————————————— 以下是高子賀博士的英文原文: Fully Funded Master's and Ph.D. Positions at Auburn University Photonics Lab Group website: https://zihegao.github.io/ Group’s Research Focus: Our group specializes in semiconductor devices and integrated photonics systems. We aim to provide faster, more compact, energy-efficient, and quantum-advantaged optical devices for the next generation of imaging, communication, and computing systems. Our research areas include: Innovative Optical Sources: Distributed, ultrafast, and reconfigurable laser arrays. Meta-Optics: Endowed with information processing capabilities in the optical domain. Quantum-Enhanced Techniques: Going beyond the classical limits of optical sensing and imaging. Application Requirements: Candidates should have strong interest or experience (from courses or research) in at least two of the following three areas: 1. Prototyping and coding: Designing both hardware and software to craft innovative sensing systems. 2. Physics: Diving deep into optics, electromagnetics, quantum mechanics, and more. 3. Microfabrication: Immersing yourself in the cleanroom environment to fabricate laser arrays and semiconductor chips. About the PI: Dr. Zihe Gao has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Auburn University since August 2023. He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Physics from Nanjing University in 2011 and his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2018. Subsequently, from 2018 to 2020, he worked on the development and research of optical and imaging systems at Meta (Facebook Reality Labs, AR/VR). From 2020 to 2023, he conducted postdoctoral research in the field of integrated and topological photonics at the University of Pennsylvania. He has published 10 US patents and over 20 articles in top journals including Science, Nature, Nature Photonics, Physical Review Letters, and Nature Communications. Auburn University: Auburn University is a public research university located in Auburn, Alabama, and is one of the state's two flagship public universities. According to the 2024 USNews rankings, Auburn University ranks 93rd overall in the US, with its engineering school ranking 55th. In addition to being an R1 Carnegie research institution, Auburn Engineering research is ranked among the nation’s top 50 in research expenditures. We’re right in the automotive industry, and also 3.5 hrs from Cummings Research Park (the world’s 4th largest research park). Find out more about the Auburn city on the group website. How to Apply: For Spring 2024, please contact via email at [email protected]. For Fall 2024 application procedures, please refer to the group website. Our priority is to hire PhD candidates, but outstanding master’s candidates will be considered (and funded if accepted). Email inquiries are always appreciated; however, please understand that I may not be able to respond to each one. My apologies in advance. ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1695254699.A.6FC.html