推 Anchorites: I’m already working in the US and strongly recomm09/09 15:17
→ Anchorites: end you not to study PhD in civil. I can sense tha09/09 15:17
→ Anchorites: t you have intention to pivot into CS, so stop was 09/09 15:17
→ Anchorites: ting your time in civil and just apply for MSCS. G09/09 15:17
→ Anchorites: et out of school as soon as possible and land a so09/09 15:17
推 Kroner: 關節痛就老人病 09/09 15:17→ Anchorites: ftware job. I got my MS in civil and took a couple 09/09 15:17
→ Anchorites: of CS class, also trying to break into tech. But 09/09 15:17
→ Anchorites: due to visa and the lack of training in CS compare 09/09 15:17
→ Anchorites: d to average CS grads, I’ve sacrificed so much ti09/09 15:17
推 Kroner: 吃過關節保健品,都沒什麼效果,有推薦的牌子嗎? 09/09 15:17→ Anchorites: me and effort and still don’t know whether I’d s 09/09 15:17
→ Anchorites: uccess. So think twice. I’d only recommend PhD if 09/09 15:17
→ Anchorites: academic is your passion, otherwise, getting MSCS09/09 15:17
→ Anchorites: is a no brainer, even if it takes extra 1-2 years09/09 15:18
推 Kroner: 5樓關節跟X一樣 09/09 15:18→ Anchorites: . Another thing is, H1B is becoming harder and har09/09 15:18
→ Anchorites: der to acquire, so there’s that.09/09 15:18
→ Anchorites: Most civil companies in the US are also obsolete a09/09 15:20
→ Anchorites: nd old, and those that integrate new technology do09/09 15:20
推 Kroner: 我也有過關節痛的經驗,真的超痛苦的啦!推薦去看醫生,早點處理比較不會拖延變嚴重。 09/09 15:20→ Anchorites: n’t pay that well either, your years put into civ 09/09 15:20
→ Anchorites: il would not worth it at all, financially.09/09 15:20
明白,非常感謝!想請問A大現在在國外也是做civil engineering 嗎?方便問您留在美
推 cityport: 土木phd只有一個目的:EB1或NIW,除非你想教書09/10 00:02
→ cityport: 你應該現在就開始讀OMSCS,浪費很多時間了09/10 00:07
推 Kroner: 關節痛就老人病 09/10 00:07→ cityport: 不要聽台灣業界學長姐話唬爛,土木要留下很困難的09/10 00:09
→ cityport: 你還想搞marine這種非常niche的,基本在找死09/10 00:10
→ cityport: 你又想轉CS又嫌老闆AP,你轉CS誰會在乎你老闆是AP還是P09/10 00:15
→ cityport: 你去年就該接了offer趕快出來,看不懂你到底在幹嘛 09/10 00:18
推 Kroner: 有人用過中醫針灸治療關節痛的嗎?效果如何? 09/10 00:18→ cityport: BTW最近東岸在搞離岸風電,沒看到團隊簡歷裡有phd09/10 00:25
※ 編輯: allen77xddd ( 臺灣), 09/10/2023 11:29:18
→ cityport: 想走學術..你去年就該接offer..tenure很不好走 09/10 12:53
→ cityport: 現在很多學校要你自己拉funding才給你tenure 09/10 12:54
→ cityport: 一個外國人要拉funding是很困難的..多的是6年AP滾蛋 09/10 12:58
推 Kroner: 喔喔喔,UC2 真的是超讚的啦 09/10 12:58→ cityport: Marine civil之前都是做油氣居多..風電很多也是Houston 09/10 12:59
→ cityport: 那邊來支援..不過看來你對德州學校沒興趣 09/10 13:00
→ cityport: 你選的學校半數很少沾Marine..反而你去年放棄的還不錯 09/10 13:15
推 Anchorites: I don’t use Ptt that much anymore, but feel free 09/11 02:15
推 Kroner: 最近天氣變化大,關節痛好像更嚴重了。 09/11 02:15→ Anchorites: to PM me 09/11 02:16
→ peter98: 你沒身分 too young; too simple 09/11 05:31
噓 LucasGiolito: 這板的人都很友善 願意和你說一堆 09/11 10:44