看板 points
繼SLH與Hyatt結束合作關係後, 現在與Hilton的合作也正式上線了, 現在去Hilton網站已經可以陸續看到SLH的旅館了. 也可以從飯店搜尋filter去選擇SLH 另外也可以從MyWay benefits去看到SLH的福利 https://www.hilton.com/en/hilton-honors/guest/profile/hotel-benefits/ 例如以下是Gold Member的福利 Upgrades to Preferred Room. Gold Hilton Honors guests will receive upgrades to preferred rooms, based on availability for the entire stay at the time of check-in at the front desk. Upgrades for Gold Hilton Honors guests may include the next-best available room from the room type booked. Some exclusions based on rate and room type may apply. See Terms & Conditions for details. Continental Breakfast You’ll receive complimentary Continental Breakfast for you and up to one additional guest registered to the same room each night of your stay at all Small Luxury Hotels of the World properties. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/points/M.1718886658.A.465.html
uponla: 請問台灣有合作的飯店嗎? 06/20 22:42
pippen2002: Ok! 06/21 07:43
FatHouse: 台灣有六間SLH, 但目前好像在Hilton網站還搜不到. 06/21 08:45
FatHouse: 應該陸續上吧 06/21 08:46
Kroner: 精胺酸什麼時候吃 06/21 18:54
dinokao123: 六間 太讚了吧 06/21 13:56
icedog122: 可以請問哪六間啊? 06/21 16:20
uklover: 苗栗南庄格拉斯行館 06/21 18:54
Chricey: 苦瓜胜肽 06/21 18:55
uklover: 南投 歸樸泊旅 06/21 18:54
uklover: 清境 老英格蘭 06/21 18:54
uklover: 台北大直 維多利亞 06/21 18:55
Kroner: GABA 06/21 20:21
uklover: 鹿港 永樂 06/21 18:55
uklover: 台北 怡亨 06/21 18:55
ibonez: SLH有全面跟Hilton合作嗎?比如之前跟Hyatt的合作只有部 06/21 20:21
Chricey: 葉黃素推薦 06/21 23:18
ibonez: 分飯店,台灣只有怡亨跟永樂有參加 06/21 20:21
VJR: 如果能用點數換老英格蘭就好了 06/21 23:04
MKIU: Nice 06/21 23:18
Kroner: 苦瓜胜肽的功效 06/21 23:18
cityport: 看到時候有沒有基本房可以用Aspire房券 06/21 23:59