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Report: Patriots Quarterback Room Was 'Toxic' https://bit.ly/3wzb5RG 原文作者:SPORTS ILLUSTRATED(RealGM摘要轉錄) https://i.imgur.com/TMii6IY.jpeg
The quarterback situation for the New England Patriots might have been even wors e than it appeared. 新英格蘭愛國者隊中QB的近期養成情形,恐怕比外觀上看來還要糟糕.. Mac Jones struggled in his third season and towards the end of the year Bill Bel ichick wouldn't even name a starter ahead of games. According to a MassLive repo rt, communication between Jones and Belichick was "nonexistent." 難得用首輪前段籤選進的Mac Jones,在他的第三年不但打得掙扎,季末還被Belichick拔除 先發職務。根據波士頓當地媒體MassLive的報導:Mac跟BB兩人之間的溝通「根本不存在」 https://i.imgur.com/V5CO3iy.jpg
Belichick is gone and Jones remains on the roster, for now. 今年的結果倒是跟以往不大一樣:走人的是BB,Jones反而還在球員陣容中 According to Sports Illustrated, Jones was "well-liked" when he first arrived, b ut "lost support of the building" when his promising rookie season did not carry over. The report described the situation as "toxic," saying there were times wh en, as a rookie in 2022, Bailey Zappe would watch tape in the receiver room, bec ause the quarterback room was such a mess. 根據另一家更全國性媒體「運動畫刊」的報導:Jones一開始進入球隊時的確備受喜愛;然 而當他穩健的新人賽季未能延續到第二季時,他就失去了球隊總部的支持。這份報導另外加 料:愛國者的球員環境非常不健康,當另一位年輕QB-Zappe在22年入隊時,他想看球賽影片 還得跑到接球員休息室,因為QB區根本是一團亂 ——————————————————————— 心得AKA腦補哥講評: 前幾天翻譯的外電有提及傳奇教練Belichick失業的原因,跟QB的安排失當以及與球員的代 溝有關,只能說這篇來自SI的內幕報導坐實了這一點 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NFL/M.1709126401.A.36E.html
krajicek: 感謝你在休賽季提供文章。 02/29 20:56
krajicek: 這陣子我家裡有一些事,可能不能常PO文了,靠你們了 02/29 20:56
sampsonlu919: 辛苦了K大 也感謝你的推文 02/29 21:00
sampsonlu919: 想順便問你對此事的看法 02/29 21:00