https://reurl.cc/XqpY30 Lee Kang-in (22, PSG), at the center of internal strife within the national socc er team, may face a hefty lawsuit for damages from advertisers, with the penalty amounting to billions of Won. According to the advertising industry on the 19th, Arachi Chicken removed Lee Ka ng-in's advertising photos and videos from its website. This move is analyzed as a result of the boycott movement that started with the recent controversy over Lee Kang-in's physical altercation controversy with national team captain Son He ung Min. 李剛仁代言的炸雞品牌Alachi chicken 傳出官網也撤下他的代言照和影片了 Arachi Chicken selected Lee Kang-in as their advertising model in January last y ear and has been prominently featuring him in promotions. He was used in TV comm ercials and on social media (SNS). In December last year, they even introduced l imited edition packaging boxes featuring Lee Kang-in's photo for Christmas. It is known in the industry that Arachi Chicken spent about 500 million Won on L ee Kang-in's advertising fees. 當初代言費大概是五億韓元 KT is on alert over the controversy surrounding Lee Kang-in. On the 16th, they i nstructed all nationwide dealerships nd sales stores to "take down all Lee Kang -in posters and leave work." KT stated that "the removal of Lee Kang-in's poster s was due to the end of a purchase benefit promotion," but regarding the termina tion of advertising and sponsorship contracts with Lee Kang-in, they mentioned, "we are reviewing it from various angles." 前幾天KT電信也撤下他的代言照 Nexon, which selected Lee Kang-in as the advertising model for FC Online, is suf fering from complaints from some users. Since the 18th of last month, FC Online has been using a character modeled after Lee Kang-in in events such as "The Life of a Chaebol Club Owner's Shootdol" and "Match Play2." With several promotions involved, it appears difficult to end the events or replace the model in the sho rt term. 此外李也有代言的遊戲廠商Nexon 也受到一些用戶的抱怨 The advertising fees paid to Lee Kang-in by KT and Nexon are known to be over 1 billion Won. Although the specific amount of the penalty cannot be disclosed due to private contracts, it is common for advertising contracts to include a claus e stating, "In case of violation of laws or causing social controversy, a penalt y of 2 to 3 times the advertising fee will be paid." Following this convention, the penalty Lee Kang-in must pay is estimated to be between 5 billion and 7.5 bi llion Won (3.7 million to 5.6 million USD). KT電信和Nexon給李剛仁的代言費合計超過十億韓元 而一般代言合約內會有但書 說如果有違反法律或引起社會爭議,要支付2-3倍的廣告費賠償 所以李有可能須付50億至75億韓元之間的賠償金(約3M-5M) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FAPL/M.1708320964.A.E3F.html
percy90723: 跟隊友衝突也算社會爭議喔==這一定會打官司吧02/19 13:38
也不一定真的求償 這就韓媒推測 但如果有求償一定會打官司
shargo: 這個離社會爭議還很遠吧 連是不是事實都還不一定咧02/19 13:39
shargo: 這個看起來比較像業者自主切割吧 八成也不會去要賠償費02/19 13:40
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/19/2024 13:41:00
zxc906383: 我也覺得不會主動去求償 02/19 13:41
Qiutian: 對韓國人就是社會爭議吧 不然李幹嘛發那個公關道歉文 02/19 13:52
Kroner: 看到有人提到關節痛,我就想到有一篇UC2推薦的文章 02/19 19:05
Drogba11: 韓國人上對下的觀念超級重的 李這種下冒上 直接社死 02/19 13:58
MarchelKaton: 怎麼會覺得這不算社會爭議?南韓輩份下犯上很嚴重 02/19 14:05
MarchelKaton: ,而且很明顯是李錯,那更翻不了身 02/19 14:05
Js1233: 這個孫和李的爭議不是還有點各說各話嗎?怎可未審先判 02/19 14:07
Chricey: 樓上UC2當糖吃,天天走拿飛 02/19 19:58
Js1233: 廠商不能因此求償吧 02/19 14:08
zxc906383: 現在就韓網友在燒 孫李兩人應該是沒怎樣 02/19 14:08
BusterPosey: 欸 kt不虧喔 02/19 14:27
leejoin: 沒有各說各話吧 02/19 15:12
Chricey: 關節痛按摩有效嗎? 02/19 21:13
leejoin: 不管哪個版本都是李比較有問題 02/19 15:12
leejoin: 孫有自己吵架版本也有勸架版本 02/19 15:13
leejoin: 但起因都是李不尊重隊內資深球員 02/19 15:13
MarchelKaton: 除非有其他內幕,不然現行說法孫會跟李起衝突是因 02/19 15:42
Kroner: UC2是啥東西?求解釋啦! 02/19 21:41
MarchelKaton: 為李和其他年輕球員急著要打乒乓,輿論當然站孫那 02/19 15:42
MarchelKaton: 一邊 02/19 15:42
sad141: 更何況是孫有直接受傷,李看起來沒有。 02/19 15:45
MaxScherzer: 如果孫沒受傷應該就還好,搞到孫哥受傷怎樣也是理虧 02/19 16:08
Chricey: 求推薦UC2,樓下請提供三家 02/19 22:59
gundam778: 受傷不代表是受害者、也可以是加害者吧 02/19 16:09
sad141: 現在問題是,不管是什麼版本的說法,李都是普遍被認為較 02/19 16:14
sad141: 有問題的 02/19 16:14
gundam778: 我沒有確實證據啦、只是考慮到韓國扭曲的階級觀念 02/19 16:34
Chricey: 吃過關節保健品,都沒什麼效果,有推薦的牌子嗎? 02/20 09:44
gundam778: 對長輩有利的部分會特別顯眼罷了 02/19 16:34
MaxScherzer: 韓國的上下階級很嚴重,但是孫哥的為人是有口皆碑的 02/19 17:45
da1989: 想問所以她國家隊之後回psg還有出賽嗎 02/19 18:04
a2156700: 解約賠償剛好而已 02/19 18:15
Kroner: 長時間坐著工作,關節痛越來越嚴重,該怎麼辦?推薦UC2 02/20 14:48
z83420123: 根本沒有各說各話阿 李第一時間就跑出來道歉了 02/19 18:18
z83420123: 他連辯解都沒有 團隊也知道這是最佳策略了 02/19 18:19
z83420123: 也不只韓國學長學弟制問題 02/19 18:20
z83420123: 還要考慮韓國球迷幾乎都是孫的球迷 K聯賽收視率0.X 02/19 18:20
Kroner: 我阿嬤說吃豬腳補關節,豬腳吃起來 02/19 18:20
z83420123: 熱刺的英超比賽收視率平均3.多 高的話可以到8 02/19 18:21
z83420123: 就算李很多媽媽粉但球迷數量也不是一個量級 02/19 18:21
tyrone0923: 李第一時間出來道歉,基本上一定是有問題的,孫有沒有 02/19 18:27
tyrone0923: 問題目前還不確定,但跟國民英雄有衝突,只能說剛好 02/19 18:28
Chricey: 我阿嬤說吃豬腳補關節,豬腳吃起來 02/19 18:28
tyrone0923: 而已,跟扭曲階級觀念沒啥關係 02/19 18:28
a2156700: 這陣子韓國棒球還有金河成被恐嚇事件 也很離奇 02/19 18:39
jabari: 韓國日常 燒起來燒起來 整天毛一堆 02/19 18:50
r3048y: 看幾個韓網新聞 代言的部分目前就是廣告下架 不再續約這樣 02/19 19:05
Kroner: 求推薦靠譜的復健診所,小弟關節治好再來跪謝! 02/19 19:05
r3048y: 沒有認真講到求償 02/19 19:05
woodgatel: 孫出來講話就解決一大半吧 02/19 19:29
Aminoacid: 快來代言乒乓球啊 一定大熱門 02/19 19:57
bhgkai: 撤代言是因為形象打壞 02/19 19:58
Chricey: 5樓關節跟X一樣 02/19 19:58
tim1112: 一顆乒乓球惹出的巨禍 02/19 20:04
bhgkai: 團體運動的基礎=紀律、向心力。任何版本下孫的行為有很過 02/19 20:10
bhgkai: 分嗎?反之李的狀況換作其他國家/職場也說不過去吧 02/19 20:10
momo1244: 乒乓小熊 02/19 21:13
Chricey: 關節痛這種東西,比鬼還可怕! 02/19 21:13
AhCheng: 這事出現後,李以前的過往都被挖出來了阿 加上韓媒絕對不 02/19 21:17
AhCheng: 會錯過這次機會,畢竟傷的是孫 02/19 21:17
pf775: 李之後專心在歐洲打拼 02/19 21:41
pf775: 反而是賺到了吧 02/19 21:41
Kroner: 求推薦靠譜的復健診所,小弟關節治好再來跪謝! 02/19 21:41
ff760725: 對於一個還沒全球知名的球員來講,掉了家鄉的代言在經濟 02/19 22:18
ff760725: 上其實很傷 02/19 22:19
JACKRUSSELL: 韓國真的很難混 像褲襪那樣戴隊友綠帽 依舊非常囂張 02/19 22:44
royalksdmc: 李真站得住腳那麼早出來道歉幹嘛 02/19 22:59
Kroner: 樓上UC2當糖吃,天天走拿飛 02/19 22:59
tyrone0923: 李還沒紅到接得到國外代言,現在韓國代言全掉,賺啥 02/20 00:23
ChrisDavis: 誰叫他要得罪幾乎是韓國英雄的孫 02/20 01:05
leeleeg: 乒乓小熊是豆豆先生梗嗎XD 02/20 01:43
Aubameyang: 就是菜雞以為自己大牌 02/20 09:44
Chricey: 有人知道如何處理關節痛嗎?求分享! 02/20 09:44
CityRanger: 弄我孫哥 uccu 02/20 10:06
sfh20230: 韓國這種下剋上 違反倫理阿 02/20 10:38
shargo: 得罪亞洲足球山羊 真的不知道自己哪來的自信~ 02/20 12:59
v2020black: 不是說李大賺嗎?不用被徵召了 02/20 14:48
Chricey: 關節痛這種東西,比鬼還可怕! 02/20 14:48
v2020black: 扯什麼韓國扭曲階級觀念,英超要是有球員這樣,應該 02/20 14:50
v2020black: 也是被出征 02/20 14:50
tyrone0923: 一堆人講的好像在歐美下剋上就沒事一樣XDDDD 02/20 17:01