https://x.com/DeadlineDayLive/status/1726700692335640667?s=20 Benjamin Mendy is taking Man City to an employment tribunal over £10M in unpaid wages he claims he's owed. The club stopped paying his wages when he was arrested, but he has since been cl eared of a series of rape and attempted rape charges. (Source: BBC Sport) Benjamin Mendy 正在將曼城告上勞工法庭,他聲稱自己被拖欠了超過 1000 萬英鎊的工資 。 當他被捕時,俱樂部停止支付他的工資,但此後他的一系列強姦和強姦未遂指控已被清除。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FAPL/M.1700521671.A.AAB.html
ChrisDavis: 可以跨海問一下辣個投手當初怎麼處理的 11/21 16:53
arexne: 你說寶兒嗎 11/21 18:48
evilcherry: 先扣10再談 11/23 17:19