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https://namepara.com/zh/info/app/240725_120000.html [NEO Mushroom Garden] Theme "Old Funghi Estate" Has New Upgrades! https://i.imgur.com/a9ihmhm.png
July Update: New Upgrades for "Old Funghi Estate"! There's Singing in the Dining Hall! Listen to the Haunting Lyrics... The Spooky Feast at the Old Estate Will Soon Begin... 更新:舊菇菇宅邸 https://i.imgur.com/Qb9Znlj.png
Equipment Upgrade! "Old Heat Lamp", "Old Warmer", and "Old Humidifier" can be upgraded to Grade 5-7 ! 「舊熱燈」、「舊保溫器」、「舊加濕器」開放等級上限至7級 https://i.imgur.com/QUlYTS6.png
New Funghi Added! Don't forget to add these Funghi to your collection. New Funghi make their appearance in the Order+ story! 新增「舊菇菇宅邸」主題菇菇 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1723645980.A.389.html