看板 Baseball
剛剛看了一下文章 其實Reddit已經講出重點內容了 不敢全貼我就貼個幾段討論 “I just felt so bad for leading people on,” said Herjavec, who owns a professional pickleball team with his “Shark Tank” co-star, Mark Cuban. “ What’s really disappointing is my only claim to sport stardom is being mistaken for a 6-foot-2 Japanese pitcher and not for my athletic ability or my pickleball talents.” 他覺得很失望自己成為焦點的原因是誤會而不是因為自家運動員的ability 或是自己的pickleball talent XD As word spread that there was a plane that might’ve been bringing Ohtani to Toronto, the rumors became more outlandish. A Canadian opera singer named Clarence Frazer—a baritone—posted on X that Yusei Kikuchi, a Japanese pitcher on the Blue Jays, had booked an entire sushi restaurant near the Rogers Centre for that night. The post has been viewed more than 3 million times. It remains unclear whether Kikuchi enjoyed his dinner, or had it at all. 這邊則是在說壽司的謠言 是一個叫Clarence Frazer的唱歌劇的歌手在X上的文章 已經超過300萬次閱讀次數 這邊還是說還不確定是否菊池很enjoy他的晚餐或是實際上有沒有吃 所以這篇文章應該是菊池和他老婆證實前就寫的文章XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1702281467.A.4DB.html
polanco: 覺得不能全怪Morosi 飛機那個消息記得還比較早發 壽司門 12/11 16:01
polanco: 也跟他沒關係 12/11 16:01
punk1799: 記得前幾天包場壽司餐廳的風向很有趣 12/11 16:43
lookers: 沒上車就是睡著而已啦 裝得好像多厲害又想幹嘛 12/11 21:04